BIRU Partnership Program

In carrying out the BIRU program, Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE) has succeeded in building groups of partners who are tasked with domestic biodigester experts, potential mapping users, increasing the capacity of CPO (Construction Partner Organization), facilitating credit, and a team to monitor biogas quality.

The BIRU program partnership aims to provide access to potential users. Apart from that, it also indirectly contributes to potential users’ economic welfare, given the enormous advantages of biogas technology. Environmental benefits can also be realized. For example, using biogas will also reduce carbon emission gases, which affect climate change.

Apart from focusing on the development and maintenance process, the BIRU partnership program also helps create the biogas market. Given, biogas technology users are also able to generate potential income from bio-slurry. Therefore, the BIRU program partnership also helps to create a biogas market so that users and players can develop.